The Minister of Trade & Industry visits Diatec Monoclonals

Today, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, the Minister of Trade & Industry visited Diatec Monoclonals. He came together with The Norwegian Research Council to discuss topics that are important to the growing biotechnology industry in Oslo.

During the visit, Bjørn Pedersen, our Managing Director gave the minister a tour of our facility. The minister paid close attention when Bjørn explained the technology we use to produce monoclonal antibodies. The antibodies are used for diagnostics and cancer treatment. Bjørn could proudly inform the Minister that Diatec Monoclonals are aiming to be FDA approved for commercial production of biologics, within 2020. This is a fist in Norway!

Diatec Monoclonals’ vision is to build facilities and knowledge that makes it possible for Norwegian scientists to develop their research to commercial success, without the need to look abroad.
Bjørn Pedersen, Managing Director
We also had great discussions together with Anne Kjersti Fahlvik, from the Norwegian Research Council about innovation, collaborations and the University of Oslo’s new Life Science building.

I 2017 Diatec received funding from The Research Council to develop new production technologies. Diatec is leading the consortium of ten partners within academia and the industry. You can read more about the project here. We already see positive effects of this project as Diatec has decided to expand the production capacity. In February we will open a new production unit at Catapult Life Science and this is only the beginning.